Wilder Lab
Trophic Ecology and Nutrition
Department of Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State University

In press
70. Barnes, C.L., N.W. Blay and S.M. Wilder. In press. Thermal tolerances of different life stages, sexes, and species of widow spiders (Araneae, Theridiidae). Journal of Arachnology.
69. Wilder, S.M. and C.L. Barnes. 2023. Comparing the accuracy of protein measures for arthropods. Journal of Insect Physiology. 144: 104470.
68. Wiggins, W. and S.M. Wilder. 2022. Carbohydrates complement high protein diets to maximize the growth of an actively hunting predator. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e9150.
67. Wilder, S.M. and S.J. Simpson. 2022. A vertebrate, the fence skink, is a common but low-quality prey for an invertebrate predator, the redback spider. Food Webs. 32: e00236.
66. Neumann, L., S. Fuhlendorf, C. Davis and S.M. Wilder. 2022. Climate alters the movement ecology of a non-migratory bird. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e8869.
65. Reeves, J.T., S.D. Fuhlendorf, C.A. Davis and S.M. Wilder. 2022. Seasonality and habitat management influence arthropod prey for northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). Rangeland Ecology and Management. 83: 69-80.
64. Reeves, J.T., S.D. Fuhlendorf, C.A. Davis and S.M. Wilder. 2021. Arthropod prey vary among orders in their nutrient and exoskeleton content. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 17774-17785.
63. Řezáč, M., N. Gloríková, S.M. Wilder and P. Heneberg. 2021. The sublethal effects of neonicotinoids on spiders are independent of their nutritional status. Scientific Reports. 11: 8496.
62. Cuff, J.P., S.M. Wilder, M.P.T.G. Tercel, R. Hunt, S. Oluwaseun, P.S. Morley, R.A. Badell-Grau, I.P. Vaughan, J.R. Bell, P. Orozco-terWengel, W.O.C. Symondson and C.T. Muller. 2021. MEDI: Macronutrient extraction and determination from invertebrates, a rapid, cheap and streamlined protocol. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12: 593-601.
61. Butler, A., C. Davis, S. Fuhlendorf and S.M. Wilder. 2021. Effects of fire on ground-dwelling arthropods in a shrub-dominated grassland. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 427-442.
60. Walker, R., S.M. Wilder and A.L. Gonzalez. 2020. Temperature dependency of predation: increased killing rates and prey mass consumption by predators with warming. Ecology and Evolution 10: 9696-9706.
59. Gonzalez, A., C.L. Barnes, S.M. Wilder and J.M. Long. 2020. Differences in macronutrient content of common aquatic macroinvertebrates available as prey for young-of-the-year Scaphirhynchus sturgeons in the lower Missouri River. Freshwater Ecology. 35: 191-202.
58. Lach, L., T.M. Volp and S.M. Wilder. 2019. Previous diet affects the amount but not the type of bait consumed by an invasive ant. Pest Management Science 75: 2627-2633.
57. Barnes, C.L., D. Hawlena, M. McCue and S.M. Wilder. 2019. Consequences of prey exoskeleton content for predator feeding and digestion. Oecologia 190: 1-9.
56. Koemel, N., C. Barnes and S.M. Wilder. 2019. Metabolic and behavioral responses of predators to prey nutrient content. Journal of Insect Physiology 116: 25-31.
55. Barnes, C.L., D. Hawlena and S.M. Wilder. 2019. Predators buffer the effects of variation in prey nutrient content for nutrient deposition. Oikos 128: 360-367.
54. Wilder, S.M., C.L. Barnes and D. Hawlena. 2019. Predicting predator nutrient intake from prey body contents. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 42.
53. Barnes, C.L., N.W. Blay and S.M. Wilder. 2019. Upper thermal tolerances of different life stages, sexes, and species of widow spiders (Araneae, Theridiidae). Journal of Insect Physiology 114: 10-14.
52. Rendon, D., P.W. Taylor, S.M. Wilder and M.E.A. Whitehouse. 2019. Prey selection and nutritional content in a ground arthropod food web. PLoS One 14: e0210296.
51. Wiggins, W. and S.M. Wilder. 2018. Mismatch between dietary requirements for lipid by a predator and availability of lipid in prey. Oikos 127: 1024-1032.
50. Yuan, L., S.M. Wilder, D. Raubenheimer, S.J. Simpson, M. Shaw and B.M. McAllan. 2018. Dietary protein supplementation and its consequences for intake, digestion and activity level of a marsupial carnivore, Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Ecology and Evolution 8:3636-3647.
49. Lowe, E.C., C.G. Threlfall, S.M. Wilder and D.F. Hochuli. 2018. Environmental drivers of spider community composition at multiple scales along an urban gradient. Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 829-852.
48. Wiggins, W., S. Bounds and S.M. Wilder. 2018. Laboratory-reared and field-collected predators respond differently to same experimental treatments. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 19.
47. Wilder, S.M. and J.M. Schneider. 2017. Micronutrient consumption by female Argiope bruennichi affects offspring survival. Journal of Insect Physiology 100: 128-132.
46. Lowe, E.C., S.M. Wilder and D.F. Hochuli. 2017. Life history of an urban tolerant spider shows resilience to anthropogenic habitat disturbance. Journal of Urban Ecology 3: jux004.
45. Boisseau, R., S.M. Wilder and K.L. Barry. 2017. Sexual and nonsexual cannibalism have different effects on offspring performance in redback spiders. Behavioral Ecology 28: 294-303.
44. Morrison, J.M., C.L. Murphy, K. Baker, R. Zamor, S. Nikolai, S.M. Wilder, M.S. Elshahed and N.H. Youssef. 2017. Microbial communities mediating algal detritus turnover under anaerobic conditions. PeerJ 5: e2803.
43. Wilder, S.M., L. Yuan, C. Roumilhac, A. LeGal, D. Raubenheimer, S.J. Simpson and B.M. McAllan. 2016. Three-dimensional macronutrient balancing and its consequences for activity level and weight gain in a marsupial carnivore. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 1645-1651.
42. Wilder, S.M. and P.D. Jeyasingh. 2016. Merging elemental and macronutrient approaches for a comprehensive study of energy and nutrient flows. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 1427-1430.
41. McCue, M.D., I. Salinas, G. Ramirez and S.M. Wilder. 2016. The postabsorptive and postprandial metabolic rates of praying mantises: comparisons across species, body masses, and meal sizes. Journal of Insect Physiology 93-94: 64-71.
40. Lowe, E.C., S.M. Wilder and D.F. Hochuli. 2016. Persistence and survival of the spider Nephila plumipes in cities: do increased prey resources drive the success of an urban exploiter? Urban Ecosystems 19: 705-720.
39. Hawley, J., S.J. Simpson and S.M. Wilder. 2016. Flesh flies regulate the consumption of three macronutrients to maximize lifespan and egg production. Behavioral Ecology. 27: 245-251.
38. Wilder, S.M., D. Raubenheimer and S.J. Simpson. 2016. Moving beyond body condition indices as an estimate of fitness in ecological and evolutionary studies. Functional Ecology. 30: 108-115.
37. Bockoven, A.A., S.M. Wilder and M.D. Eubanks. 2015. Intraspecific variation in behavior: regional and colony-level differences in fire ant foraging behavior affect fitness. PLoS One. 10: e0133868.
36. Wills, B.D., C.D. Chong, S.M. Wilder, M.D. Eubanks, D.A. Holway and A.V. Suarez. 2015. Effects of plant-based carbohydrate resources on investment in worker number, size, and condition in a social insect. PLoS One. 10: e0132440.
35. Kleinteich, A., S.M. Wilder and J.M. Schneider. 2015. Contributions of juvenile and adult diet to the lifetime reproductive success and lifespan of a spider. Oikos 124: 130-138.
34. Simpson, S.J., F. Clissold, M. Lihoreau, F. Ponton, S.M. Wilder and D. Raubenheimer. 2015. Recent advances in the integrative nutrition of arthropods. Annual Review of Entomology 60: 293-311.
33. Lowe, E.C., S.M. Wilder and D.F. Hochuli. 2014. Urbanization is associated with larger size and higher fecundity of a spider at multiple spatial scales. PLoS One 9: e105480.
32. Hawley, J., S.J. Simpson and S.M. Wilder. 2014. Effects of prey macronutrient composition on nutrient reserves and diet regulation in a web-building spider. PLoS One 9: e99165.
31. Le Couteur, D.G., S.M. Wilder, R. de Cabo and S.J. Simpson. 2014. The evolution of research on aging and nutrition. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 69: 1-2.
30. Wilder, S.M., M. Norris, R.W. Lee, D. Raubenheimer and S.J. Simpson. 2013. Arthropod food webs become increasingly lipid-limited at higher trophic levels. Ecology Letters. 16: 895-902.
29. Barry, K.L. and S.M. Wilder. 2013. Macronutrient intake affects reproduction of a predatory insect. Oikos 122: 1058-1064.
28. Wilder, S.M. 2013. Variation among clutches in the response of spiders to prey nutrient content. Journal of Arachnology 41: 53-58.
27. Wilder, S. M., D. A. Holway, A. V. Suarez and M. D. Eubanks. 2013. Introduced fire ants can exclude native ants from critical mutualist-provided resources. Oecologia 172: 197-205.
26. Wilder, S. M., D. G. Le Couteur and S. J. Simpson. 2013. Diet mediates the relationship between longevity and reproduction in mammals. AGE 35: 921-927.
25. Schmidt, J. M., P. Sebastian, S. M. Wilder and A. L. Rypstra. 2012. The nutritional content of prey affects the foraging of a generalist arthropod predator. PLoS One 7: e49223.
24. Wilder, S. M. and A. L. Rypstra. 2012. Tradeoff between pre- and postcopulatory sexual cannibalism in a wolf spider (Araneae: Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 217-222.
23. Wilder, S. M., D. A. Holway, A. V. Suarez, E. G. LeBrun and M. D. Eubanks. 2011. Intercontinental differences in resource use reveal the importance of mutualisms for fire ant invasions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108: 20639-20644.
22. Wilder, S. M. 2011. Spider nutrition: an integrative perspective. Advances in Insect Physiology 40: 87-136.
21. Wilder, S. M., D. A. Holway, A. V. Suarez and M. D. Eubanks. 2011. Macronutrient content of plant-based food affects growth of a carnivorous arthropod. Ecology 92: 325-332.
20. Wilder, S. M. and M. D. Eubanks. 2010. Might nitrogen limitation promote omnivory among carnivorous arthropods: Comment. Ecology 91: 3114-3117.
19. Wilder, S. M., A. V. Suarez and M. D. Eubanks. 2010. The use of simulation modeling to evaluate the mechanisms responsible for the nutritional benefits of food-for-protection mutualisms. Ecological Modelling 221: 1505-1511.
18. Wilder, S. M. and A. L. Rypstra. 2010. Males make poor meals: a comparison of nutrient extraction during sexual cannibalism and predation. Oecologia 162:617-625.
17. Wilder, S. M., and M. D. Eubanks. 2010. Extrafloral nectar content alters foraging preferences of a predatory ant. Biology Letters 6: 177-179.
16. Wilder, S. M., D. Mayntz, S. Toft, A. L. Rypstra, A. Pilati and M. J. Vanni. 2010. Intraspecific variation in the quality of prey: a comparison of nutrient presence in prey and nutrient extraction by spiders. Oikos 119: 350-358.
15. Wilder, S. M., A. L. Rypstra and M. A. Elgar. 2009. The roles of ecological and phylogenetic factors for the occurrence and frequency of sexual cannibalism. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40: 21-39.
14. Wilder, S. M. and A. L. Rypstra. 2008a. Sexual size dimorphism predicts sexual cannibalism in spiders. American Naturalist 172: 431-440.
13. Wilder, S. M. and A. L. Rypstra. 2008b. Prior encounters with the opposite sex affect male and female mating behavior in a wolf spider (Araneae, Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 1813-1820.
12. Wilder, S. M. and A. L. Rypstra. 2008c. Diet quality affects mating behaviour and egg production in a wolf spider. Animal Behaviour 76: 439-445.
11. Wilder, S. M. and A. L. Rypstra. 2008d. Sexual size dimorphism mediates the occurrence of state-dependent sexual cannibalism in a wolf spider. Animal Behaviour 76: 447-454.
10. Marcello, G. J., S. M. Wilder and D. B. Meikle. 2008. Pulsed food resources and the population dynamics of a generalist rodent, Peromyscus leucopus. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 41-46.
9. Wilder, S. M. and A. L. Rypstra. 2007. Male control of copulation duration in a wolf spider (Araneae, Lycosidae). Behaviour 144: 471-484.
8. Folz, H. C.*, S. M. Wilder, M. H. Persons and A. L. Rypstra. 2006. Changes in vertical habitat use and foraging of Pardosa milvina in response to chemical cues of the predator Hogna helluo (Araneae, Lycosidae). Ethology 112:1152-1158.
7. Wilder, S. M. and D. B. Meikle. 2006. Variation in effects of fragmentation on the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) during the breeding season. Journal of Mammalogy 87: 117-123.
6. Wilder, S. M. and D. B. Meikle. 2005. Reproduction, foraging and the negative density-area relationship of a generalist rodent. Oecologia 144: 391-398.
5. Wilder, S. M., J. DeVito, M. H. Persons and A. L. Rypstra. 2005. The effects of moisture and heat on the efficacy of chemical cues used in predator detection by Pardosa milvina (Araneae, Lycosidae). Journal of Arachnology 33: 857-861.
4. Wilder, S. M., A. M. Abtahi* and D. B. Meikle. 2005. Effects of forest fragmentation on populations of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in the winter. American Midland Naturalist 153: 71-79.
3. Wilder, S. M. and A. L. Rypstra. 2005. Use of cues of prey and prey habitat in patch selection by juvenile praying mantids (Mantodea: Mantidae). American Midland Naturalist 153: 187-191.
2. Wilder, S. M. and D. B. Meikle. 2004. Prevalence of the deer tick (Ixodes scapularis) on white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in forest fragments. Journal of Mammalogy 85: 1015-1018.
1. Wilder, S. M. and A. L. Rypstra. 2004. Chemical cues from an introduced predator (Mantodea, Mantidae) reduce the movement and foraging of a native wolf spider (Araneae, Lycosidae). Environmental Entomology 33: 1032-1036.