Wilder Lab
Trophic Ecology and Nutrition
Department of Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State University

Welcome to the Wilder Lab at Oklahoma State University
Our lab is interested in studying carnivores and nutrition both separately and together. One of the major goals of this research program is to use nutrition as a framework to scale from animal physiology to food webs and ecosystems. The dietary requirements of animals determine which food items they choose and this choice, in turn, affects the abundance of plants and animals, with consequences for community and ecosystem dynamics. Predators are a great system for this work since the foraging decisions of predators can have large effects on the structure of food webs and ecosystem properties. We're also interested in studying predators and nutrition for other projects including better understanding life history strategies, sexual selection, invasive species, and captive breeding programs. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
- Shawn (shawn.wilder at okstate.edu)